
If you need help starting your business, raising your profile, getting your messaging right, reviving an old plan, working out a better social media strategy or if you want to boost Press coverage and increase sales, you can do all this through someone who understands the other side of the fence and who can give you the inside track.

"Words, communications and actions are immediately judged, and Priscilla has a solution-based and thought-provoking way to demonstrate how so many of us let ourselves down by not editing out pejorative language and/or behaviour at work or in pitches, and do not make more of our most advantageous elements."

Senior Legal Counsel

"Priscilla is my company's trump card."

Leading Garden Designer

Let's Get Started Together

PR is not just press. It is not just a social media strategy, or being clever on your Instagram with reckless abandon.

It is everything: how you seem, how you sound, how you look, what you say, what you choose not to say, where you go and what you do. Making one fantastic reel will not lead to endless sales. You need to maintain that, and for it, you need to think about your overall PR.